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La forma en que debe ser

Fundamos Ozone Quantum Solutions LLC. con un objetivo en mente: proporcionar una tienda en lĆ­nea inteligente, confiable y de alta calidad para productos de oxigenoterapia con ozono y suplementos dietĆ©ticos. Nuestra pasiĆ³n por la excelencia nos ha impulsado desde el principio y continĆŗa impulsĆ”ndonos hacia el futuro. Sabemos que cada producto cuenta y nos esforzamos por hacer que la experiencia de compra sea lo mĆ”s gratificante posible. Ā”CompruĆ©balo por ti mismo!






In nature, there is a cycle of oxygen just like there is a cycle of water. Oxygen is released from plants on land and plankton in the sea during photosynthesis. The oxygen is lighter than air and floats upward in the atmosphere. Ozone production in the upper atmosphere is dependent on the amount of energy coming from the sun. During peaks of solar activity, ozone is created at a greater rate. At night, on the dark side of the planet, the ozone layer disappears, in a few hours. The layer is reformed as the sun rises in the morning. There is no ozone over the poles in the winter because there is no sunlight.

Ozone is produced constantly in the upper atmosphere as long as the sun is shining, and since ozone is heavier than air, it begins to fall earthward. As it falls, it combines with any pollutant it contacts, cleaning the air — nature’s wonderful self-cleaning system.


If ozone contacts water vapor as it falls, it forms hydrogen peroxide, a component of rainwater, and the reason why rainwater causes plants to grow better than irrigation. Ozone is also created by lightning, and the amount produced in an average storm is often triple the allowable limit of .015 PPM as set by the US EPA. This ozone is what gives the air the wonderful fresh smell after a rain, and is of the highest benefit to anyone fortunate enough to be breathing it. Ozone is also created by waterfalls and crashing surf, which accounts for the energetic feeling and calm experienced near these sites.

Another way ozone is produced is by photons from the sun breaking apart nitrous oxide, a pollutant formed by the combustion of hydrocarbons in the internal combustion engine. This ozone is brown, not blue, also known as SMOG. It’s ozone made from car exhaust.




The first ozone generators were developed by Werner von Siemens in Germany in 1857, and 1870 saw the first report on ozone being used therapeutically to purify the blood, by C. Lender in Germany.


There is evidence of the use of ozone as a disinfectant from 1881, mentioned by Dr. Kellogg in his book on diphtheria. In October of 1893, the world’s first water treatment plant using ozone was installed in Ousbaden, Holland, and today there are over 3000 municipalities around the world (including several major US cities) that use ozone to clean their water and sewage. In 1885, the Florida Medical Association published “Ozone” by Dr. Charles J. Kenworth, MD, detailing the use of ozone for therapeutic purposes. In September 1896, the electrical genius Nikola Tesla patented his first ozone generator, and in 1900, he formed the Tesla Ozone Company. Tesla sold ozone machines to doctors for medical use, the same thing we are doing 100 years later, with a design based on one of his from the 1920s. We have seen one of these 75-year-old generators, and it still works perfectly. Tesla produced ozonated olive oil and sold it to naturopaths, and we do, too.

In 1898, the Institute for Oxygen Therapy was started in Berlin by Thauerkauf and Luth. They injected ozone into animals and bonded ozone to magnesium, producing Homozon.


During World War 1, ozone was used to treat wounds, trench foot, gangrene, and the effects of poison gas. Dr. Albert Wolff of Berlin also used ozone for colon cancer, cervical cancer and decubitis ulcers in 1915. In 1920, Dr. Charles Neiswanger, MD, the President of the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine published “Electro Therapeutical Practice.” Chapter 32 was entitled ” Ozone as a Therapeutic Agent.”

In 1926, Dr. Otto Warburg of the Kaiser Institute in Berlin announced that the cause of cancer is lack of oxygen at the cellular level. He received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1931 and again in 1944, the only person to ever receive two Nobel Prizes for Medicine. He was also nominated for a third.


In 1929, a book called “Ozone and Its Therapeutic Action” was published in the US listing 114 diseases and how to treat them with ozone. Its authors were the heads of all the leading American hospitals.

[In 1933, the American Medical Association, headed up by Morris Fishbein, set out to eliminate all medical treatments that were competitive to drug therapy. The suppression of ozone therapy in the US began then, and continues to this day, except in ten US states, where doctors are protected by state laws. At the behest of the AMA, the FDA began seizing generators in the 1940s.] The suppression of ozone therapy began then, and it continues in the US to this day.

The Swiss dentist E.A. Fisch was using ozone in dentistry before 1932 and introduced it to the German surgeon Erwin Payr who used it from that time forward. Aubourg and Lacoste were French physicians using ozone insufflation from 1934-1938. In 1948, Dr. William Turska of Oregon began using ozone, employing a machine of his own design, and in 1951, Dr. Turska wrote the article “Oxidation” which is still relevant today and is included in our booklet. Dr. Turska pioneered the injection of ozone into the portal vein, thereby reaching the liver.


From 1953 onward, German doctor Hans Wolff used ozone in his practice, writing the book “Medical Ozone,” and training many doctors in ozone therapy. In 1957, Dr. J. Hansler patented an ozone generator, which has formed the basis of the German expansion of ozone therapy over the last 35 years. Today over 7000 German doctors use ozone therapy daily.

In 1961, Hans Wolff introduced the techniques of major and minor autohemotherapy.

In 1977, Dr. Renate Viebahn provided a technical overview of ozone action in the body.

In 1979, Dr. George Freibott began treating his first AIDS patient with ozone, and in 1980, Dr. Horst Kief also reported success treating AIDS with ozone.


In 1987, Dr. Rilling and Dr. Viebahn published “The Use of Ozone in Medicine,” the standard text on the subject.

In 1990, the Cubans reported on their success in treating glaucoma, conjunctivitis and retinitis pigmentosa with ozone. In 1992, the Russians revealed their techniques of using ozone bubbled into brine (taken internally) to treat burn victims with astounding results.

Today, after 125 years of usage, ozone therapy is a recognized modality in many nations: Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Cuba, Japan, Mexico, and in five US states.




Oxygen is the only gas that will pick up and hold electrical energy. In doing so, it becomes tremendously active and seeks to combine with all other substances. The list of substances that are inert to ozone is very short and includes glass, Teflon, Kynar, silicone, and gold. Therefore, any ozone generator and auxiliary equipment must be composed of these substances only.


There are several different techniques used to produce medical-grade ozone, where freedom from contamination is critical.


One type of generator uses an ultraviolet lamp as its source. It produces a very small amount of ozone in a narrow frequency bandwidth of ultraviolet light. Outside of that bandwidth, UV destroys ozone. A UV lamp is unreliable because it is subject to degradation over time, causing uncertainty regarding concentration, and eventually it burns out.

The second method of ozone production is corona discharge, where a tube with a hot cathode is surrounded by a screen anode. This prevents contamination of the ozone in the best designs, but heat is produced, and heat destroys ozone. To compensate for the loss in concentration, more electricity is used, resulting in more heat, and consequent electrical failure. This produces generators that have short lives. Lack of durability has always beset the ozone generator industry and was one of the major reasons for naturopaths mostly abandoning ozone therapy during the Thirties.


Fortunately, there is a third method of producing clean, medical-grade ozone. That method is called cold plasma. It uses two glass rods filled with a noble gas, electrostatic plasma field which turns the oxygen into ozone. Since there is no appreciable current, no heat is produced. Thus the generator will last a very long time, limited only by the quality of the power supply. Nikola Tesla invented the original cold plasma ozone generators in the 1920s, and they still work 75 years later.


Ozone Therapy is the Safest Known Therapy


Ozone has been found to be an extremely safe medical therapy, free from side effects. In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, 644 therapists were polled regarding their 384,775 patients, comprising a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments administered.


There were only 40 cases of side effects noted out of this number, which represents the incredibly low rate of .000007%, and only four fatalities. Ozone has thus proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised.




Ozone is a powerful therapeutic tool for curing disease, but it is equally important for the PREVENTION of disease. The hundreds of different diseases named by allopathy are but symptoms of one underlying cause. That cause, as proven by two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg, is hypoxia, or oxygen starvation at the cellular level. This is the cause of the degenerative disease (arthritis, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, cancer, etc.).

Ozone both treats and prevents most communicable disease as well (mumps, measles, influenza, cholera, tropical fevers, etc.) Regular use of ozone in the home can provide high levels of immunity from most common diseases, and relegate immunization to the dustbin of history.


Our present allopathic health system is disintegrating under financial stress, and it can easily be replaced by prevention through use of ozone, supplemented by ozone injection for serious cases, and emergency room hospitals for accident victims. This system will be far less expensive than our present system, where 95% of our health dollar is spent in the last year of life, trying to undo a lifetime of toxic buildup.


These are Red Blood cells analyzed from a Dark-Field Microscope. Before and After 1 Ozone steam sauna session using Ozone Purity’s Alpha-X ozone generator. New blood pic immediately after the 30 minute session.

This person's diet was a very average diet for most people. He had his coffee in the morning, followed by fruit eggs and toast. He had lunch at a restaurant w his co-workers, and had dinner with a glass of wine at home. He drank roughly 64oz of water a day. And exercised 3 times a week. He said his energy was 4 on a scale of 1- 10.


Before Ozone Therapy


Red blood cells are very sludgy, TOXIC and sticky. DRs call this blood viscosity, which is very difficult for the Medical industry to combat and extremely common in all ages. Typically blood thinners are prescribed for this condition.

What's really going on is the blood has become dehydrated, acidic, no minerals, no electrical charge/zeta potential in the blood due to poor diet and daily use of caffeine and alcohol. With no charge in the blood, it becomes sticky... And its deoxygenated… The intake of caffeine and alcohol depleted the minerals, water, and electricity in the blood.



We must have complete surface area exposed for the cells to take in oxygen. Not to mention, blood sludge can not circulate through the blood. This causes high blood pressure as well. Also puts strain on the heart, kidneys, and vascular system…



Capillaries are only 1 red blood cell in width and they make up around 70% of our entire circulatory system.. Symptoms of blood sludge: cold hands and feet, headaches, fatigue, cloudy thinking, NO energy, bad digestion, joint pain, etc.

Then underneath he wants a title “After Ozone Therapy”

With the other picture of the blood that’s not clumped together followed by the text below:


After Ozone Therapy


The 2nd pic: The blood is Full of oxygen, RBS’s have separated, the electrical charge to the blood has been restored, No more blood viscosity/ friction. And the blood is CLEAN. Much less toxicity. And the blood can now receive all the oxygen it possibly can absorb and its circulates VERY effectively throughout the body. Now, healing can take place ! All negative symptoms listed above are reversed…. His energy was now 9 on a scale of 1 -10.






The human body is 2/3 water. Of that, 90% is lymph and 10% is blood. The cell functions by burning sugar in oxygen to provide energy. The waste products are carbon dioxide and water. If there is insufficient oxygen at the cellular level, the burn will be incomplete, and carbon monoxide and lactic acid will be formed. The body cannot easily rid itself of monoxide; it prevents hemoglobin from picking up fresh oxygen, and the body temperature is lowered. The lactic acid will build up in the system, clogging the nerve pathways, eventually calcifying and causing degeneration.

More oxygen is required to come in and oxidize these toxins, but if it is not available, they build up. The blood will carry a heavy load of sludge, and toxins will be deposited in the fat. The water that composes the body gets dirtier and dirtier. Disease is the result.


This is where ozone shines — in eliminating toxicity from the body. Ozone taken on a daily basis will, over time, clean all the fluid of the body, safely. Ozone has been used to clean water for large cities for over 100 years. The water engineers have a value that they use to measure the effectiveness of ozone in cleaning water. This is the CT value. It is a product of concentration x time. (CxT)




For prevention, a major benefit can be derived from regularly drinking ozonated water. Water is a fascinating substance, and we all take it for granted.


Fresh ozone water, if drunken immediately, can flood the blood stream, help with GI issues, profound hydration ability, and has hundreds of uses as a safe non-toxic germicide.

Ozone will not stay in water for very long, even at 4 degrees C. Drink water that has gone through reverse osmosis, carbon filtering, and is then ozonated (or use distilled that has been ozonated). There are some contaminants that will pass through R/O and carbon, such as fluorine. Ozonating the water removes all such contaminants and energizes the water until the bond angle reaches 109.5 degrees. Ozonate water for 15 minutes per litre (approx. one quart), or about five minutes per glass.


Always drink a freshly made ozone water.




Women have an advantage, in that vaginal insufflation requires no preparation, and can be administered for very long periods of time, hours in fact. The gas will usually find its way into the uterus, out the Fallopian tubes, and then into the abdominal cavity. Liver problems and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be addressed in this way. This is also a good way of getting ozone into the lymph system. For men, cleaning the lymph system is not as easy, and requires use of a body suit or a steam cabinet. The body suit is a less that popular aesthetic experience.

The Steam Sauna Pro, however, is a pleasurable experience. Because of the moist heat, the pores are open, and the capillaries are dilated. The ozone enters and oxidizes toxins in the fat, the lymph and the blood. The skin is the largest organ of elimination. The person sweats the oxidized toxins back out, avoiding the dump of toxins to the liver and colon, which can bring on the symptoms of toxic shock overload. Instead, the person emerges from the steam cabinet feeling extremely relaxed and mellow, and ready for bed. This is an ideal way of counteracting the stress of the day.




Ozone: inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoa; stimulates the immune system, cleans arteries and veins, improves circulation, purifies the blood and lymph, normalizes hormone and enzyme production, reduces inflammation, reduces pain, calms the nerves, stops bleeding, prevents shock, prevents stroke damage, reduces cardiac arrhythmia, improves brain function and memory, oxidizes toxins, allowing their excretion, chelates heavy metals; it works well in conjunction with EDTA.

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